Passionate about entrepreneurship
The Edupreneurial method
LE-Network is, as the word suggests, a large and enthusiastic network of partnerships. Our goal is to improve learning processes. By constantly improving the learning processes, they can become more effective, efficient, flexible and creative. For this we work with great passion on our products and services.
We improve the learning processes by applying the Edupreneurial method. “Action learning: Learning by doing!” So that you learn from your own experiences by learning while playing.
Learning while playing
The LEARN Games
We have developed a number of products using the methodology. These products are divided into the analog LEARN Games (Simulation Games) and digital LEARN GAMES plus the MEMORY Games.
The analog LEARN Games are role-playing simulations with Lego that can be used to learn entrepreneurship, logistics or languages, among other things. The digital LEARN Games that have been developed are played using smartphones.
Challenging learning material
You innovate together
The following projects are being developed at LE-Network, to which you can also contribute
- New Memory Games, such as Arabic, Dyslexia, Outings in Drenthe, Drents
- The digital LO-Game (“Legostics digital”)
- Visualization Entrecomp (EU Entrepreneurial Competences) via “crazy quilt” (Sarasvathy)
- LE Book
- Soft Skills Testing with faster results due to a new database with new functionalities.

Call us
Henk 📞+31 6 50 51 40 62
Willem 📞+31 6 24 74 31 06
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Dordsestraat 33,
7811 LA
The Netherlands
KvK: 04065917
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